Online school

I asked you guys on Insta if I should write a post about online school and 90% said yes so here we go… it’s just a short post

The second month of 2021 and still at home, sitting on my bed and doing online school. I learn pretty much at home and it’s easier for me to focus on my work when I’m alone. Even though I can’t see my friends in real life I do video chat and text a lot with them. The first half of my schoolyear is over. Most of the time I spent at home, doing all of my work on my own.

My online experience: We’re getting our homeworks on Monday and have to send them till Friday (sometimes Sat or Sun). In some subjects we do have video chats as well but just once a week or twice. To be honest sometimes it’s too much of work and sometimes it’s…I wouldn’t say not enough…but it could be more. All in all I would say that we still learn something BUT not as much as we would do in real school.

I prefer to do my work on monday and tuesday till I’m completely done. So I’ve got the rest of the week to do things I like.

That’s it for today’s post…

Check out my Insta, I ask you guys a lot of questions there

Shine on, kim