Mood booster

My day always starts with waking up, drinking a cup of water and feeling happy and motivated…ehmmmm…not really

Sometimes I wake up and wish I could go to sleep again so that I don’t have to deal with school stress and finishing my to-do list.

5 things I do to boost my mood…

  1. Listen to your favorite songs – Make sure to listen to songs which aren’t sad or depressing. Party songs you could dance to are the best ones to listen to when you feel down.
  2. Dance out all of your emotions – if you aren’t a good dancer… don’t care do it! It’s so much fun to just dance around to your favorite songs.
  3. Go outside and get some light – You might not directly think that going outside will make you feel better especially if the weather isn’t good. Any sun exposure can help regulate your mood. Also light is necessary for vitamin-D production.
  4. Talk to someone you love – even a short five-minute call can impact on your mood. But don’t just choose a random friend, think about who you like or love and choose someone you are close with.
  5. Journal – write down how you feel and why you feel like that every day. You can also draw or paint something.

These are just my personal tips. It works for me to do those things to get motivated and feel b etter but it doesn’t mean that everyone will feel better after doing those things. Hope you are having a great day!

Shine on, kim